© 1996 by Robyn Amos
This article may not be reprinted or distributed without
the permission of the author.
Journaling —
Many people find it helpful to clear their minds before
they start writing. Sitting down for ten or fifteen minutes
and writing down whatever is on your mind can help you get
into the mood to write. Write about anything you like and
for as long as you need to. Often when it's time to stop,
you'll want to keep going!
Timed Writing — Sometimes when we have a difficult scene to write
or we're not in the mood, giving ourselves a time limit
can get us started. Set your timer (no less than 15 minutes!)
and force yourself to sit still and put words on the screen
(or paper) until the timer goes off. Then one of two things
will happen, either you'll have moved passed the block and
continue to write freely, or you'll have completed your
goal for the day and can move on to something else without
feeling guilty.
Free Writing — This is different from journaling because it's
focused only on your book. Write whatever comes to your
mind about your characters, plot or an upcoming scene. It
doesn't matter if it's good or something you've already
written about. The important thing is to ease yourself back
into your story. Soon you should tap into some new ideas
that will keep your words flowing.
Brainstorm with a Buddy
— I have a critique group to bounce ideas
off of when I get stuck in my story, but any friend (or
willing stranger) will do. Sometimes it doesn't even matter
if you agree with the suggestions you're offered. The important
thing is to talk about your book out loud and look at your
weak spots in a different light.
Just do it! — No pain no gain. I've found that the method that
works best for me when I have writer's block is to sit down
and write whether I think it's good or not. Even if you
throw 90% of it away later, the act of writing is accomplishment
and that 10% that's worth saving is 10% more than you'd
started with.